To celebrate Guinevere's first blogaversary, she’s holding a blog party! She’s also holding some awesome giveaways!
I’ll be answer a few questions to join (:
- Favorite thing about summer?
Summer vacation of course (:
A time to relax!
- In your opinion, the best scent in the entire world?
I like the scent of berries
- An embarrassing moment:
Well . I have so many… Everything from water flying out of the mouth to farting in a quiet room.
I’m the master of embarrassment.
- Deep question time: vanilla or chocolate?
- What do you think: is the Twilight fad dying out? And if it is, are you dancing over its grave?
Haha. Twilight.
- Best thing that has ever happened to you and why?
So many good things… But I think one of the best things that has ever happened to me is knowing God (:
- Traveling: where would you want to go?
AUSTRALIA. I want to play with the kangaroooooooos
- Favorite food?
You might think I’m crazy, but my favourite food in the whole wide world is rice.
- What type of music do you like?
I like rock music (:
- Canon or Nikon?
Cannon for point and shoot, Nikon for DSLR.
I’d like to have both please (:
(If only I had the money)
- Flipflops, bare feet, or heels?
Bare feet (: (or running shoes)
- Skirts or jeans?
- Fresh or saltwater?
Fresh, I tend to swallow water when I go swimming xD
It's nice to see someone who'd like to some to Australia for a change. So many people want to go to Europe. I mean, is there somethingwrong with us Australians? haha.
Imogen @ www.dancingdragonflysisters.blogspot.com
Hi Imogen!
There's nothing wrong with Australians! Australia is a beautiful place (:
Thanks for visiting!
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